
the Aquarian Sadhana, according to Savitree Kaur


Anonymous said...


So many nuggets in there. One of the nuggets, I relate to, is, "Sadhana creates a meditative mind which can absorb all the stimuli in the environment, compute it, and then act wisely instead of just reacting."

I experience Yogi Bhajan's quote to be true for me. Even when I am doing my personal sadhana-doing Japji and my kriya for 40 days, I experience a flow to my day and a calm around groups of people. It really helps me not internalize other people's stuff which I am apt to do without Japjii and regular Kundalini Yoga and Meditation practice. Japjii is my personal prayer. It has taken me about two years to really embrace it and I now get it. It is my soul's prayer!

Katie/Akaljeet Kaur

blah said...

This is a great resource, and inspiration to others. Are you still blogging? Would love to hear more.
